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Southword, ‘Miyazaki’s Europe’, forthcoming.
Lit Hub, ‘Dissocation’ and ‘Central Park, Nocturne’, 6th December 2024.
Poetry Ireland Review, ‘My Daughter Heres of Our Death’, winter 2024.
Southword, ‘At the Call Centre’ issue 45 2023.
Poetry Ireland Review, ‘Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Silence’, April 2021.
Poetry Ireland Review, ‘Blue Dark’, issue 119, autumn 2016. (Read “Blue Dark” online)
Cimarron Review, ‘Pilot Fish’, issue 193, autumn 2015.
‘The Punks of the Quintana’, reprinted in The Limerick Post, 11th March, 2015.
Natural Bridge, ‘Crash Centre’, ‘Helpers’ and ‘David Kieran’, issue 31, spring 2014.
Levure Litteraire, four poems from Waiting For Saint Brendan, autumn 2014.
Psychology Tomorrow, ‘Nipples’, January 2014.
Andrew Sullivan's blog, The Dish, ‘Beginning of Trust’, December 2013.
Nashville Review, ‘Lazarus’, ‘For My Brother’ and ‘To a Predator’, December 2011.
The Stinging Fly, ‘Euclid Avenue’, solicited for a New York City issue (with Colum McCann, Eamon Grennan, Sharon Olds & Nick Laird): issue 20, vol. 2 / winter 2011-12,
The Stinging Fly, Featured Poet, 6 poems in issue 14 / vol. 2, winter 2009-10.
Poetry Ireland Review, ‘In the Underground Car Park’, issue 95, October 2008.
Hindsight’s blog, excerpt from “On the Loose”, a COVID-19 essay, 2021.
New Hibernia Review, “Tall Poppy: Castleconnell, 1985” an extract from DARIEN GAP (memoir), autumn / winter 2017.
Hayden’s Ferry Review's blog: Contributor Spotlight, June 2014.
Electric Literature, "An Evening in Solidarity With Mexican Journalists at PEN American", 20th October, 2010.
Poetry Ireland Review, “A Transatlantic Menagerie: The Animal Poetry of Bishop, Lowell, Heaney and Grennan”, issue 119, autumn 2016.
TRANSLATIONs from my work
Estudios Irlandeses (issue 12, 2017), a selection of poems from Santiago Sketches, introduced by John Liddy and translated into Spanish.
Letras en línea (Chile), my poem ‘The Beginning of Trust’ translated into Spanish by Cristóbal Johannon.
My TRANSLATIONs from the Spanish
Be Untexed (Myanmar), translations from Enrique Winter's Lengua de seña / Sign Tongue.
Magma, issue 76: Resistencia, edited by Leo Boix and Nathalie Teitler, ‘Renga’ by Cristián Gómez Olivares.
Poetry International: three translations from the poems of Chilean poet Cristóbal Johannon: "Lapwings", "Stroll" and "Mourning", 2015.
sOME Poems in Print Journal
Southword, ‘At the Call Centre’, forthcoming.
The Stinging Fly. ‘42nd and Park’ and ‘Crone Mountain’, Summer 2018, issue 38 / Vol. 2.
Copper Nickel, ‘Dendrochronology’, autumn 2017.
The Stinging Fly, ‘Mixed Media’, issue 35, vol. 2, autumn 2016.
The Moth magazine and The Sunday Business Post (Ireland, 3rd April, 2016), ‘Tom Crean Sings Sean-nós at the Tiller in the Southern Ocean’.
New Madrid, ‘Clerical History’, ‘Blessing the Blind Man’ and ‘The Senior Film’ in Evolving Islands, special themed issue, winter 2015.
Barrow Street, ‘The Annals’ and ‘January’ in a British / Welsh / Irish section, winter 2015.
Spoon River Poetry Review, ‘Talking About It’, issue 39.1, summer 2014.
Hayden's Ferry Review, ‘Disassociation’, issue 54, spring / summer, 2014.
Éire-Ireland for their Selection of New Irish Poets: six poems, autumn/winter 2013, Vol. 48, Issues 3&4. Available on Project Muse.
The Hopkins Review, ‘The Last Poet in the Anthology’, vol. 6, No. 3, summer 2013, available on Project Muse.
Birmingham Poetry Review, ‘Sandymount Strand: Vigil’, issue no. 40, 2013.
The Shop, ‘Béal Bán: Nocturne’, issue 31, autumn/winter 2009,
Poetry Ireland Review, ‘The Irish College at Salamanca’, issue 89, spring 2007.