Crash Centre named as a Book of the Year on the Books for Breakfast Podcast, discussed by Peter Sirr and Adam Wyeth, 19th December, 2024.
Two poems from Crash Centre published in Literary Hub, 6th December, 2024
Crash Centre reviewed in The Irish Catholic by Thomas McCarthy, 5th December, 2024.
I read some poems from Crash Centre on the Eat the Storms podcast, 26th October, 2024.
Crash Centre reviewed in The Irish Times by Martina Evans, 20th October 2024.
Crash Centre reviewed in The Examiner by Sean Kelly on 12th October, 2024.
Colin Murphy discusses Crash Centre in The Sunday Independent in the context of the Irish State’s Scoping Inquiry into Historical Sexual Abuse in Schools run by Religious Orders, 8th September, 2024.
Discussing Crash Centre with John King on The Drunken Odyssey Podcast, episode 627, 8th June, 2024.
Discussing Crash Centre with Ken Walker on the Post, Poet Pop podcast, 24th May, 2024.
My IMB profile for my work on the screenplay / poem for Lanka Haouche Perren’s short film Dún Chaoin!
The official launch of Crash Centre is at City Library, Cork, Grand Parade, on Tuesday, 18th June, 6-7 pm.
An interview on Crash Centre and its background story in Cork Echo Live. (“Cork-based poet on abuse: ‘I don’t want shame to stop me or anyone”).
I will be featuring as part of the Cork International Poetry Festival in May 2024 (details on my Events page).
CRASH CENTRE, my third collection, will be published by Salmon Poetry in May 2024.
My essay “This Strong Vulnerability“ will be published in This Glistening Verb by University of Michigan Press in their “Under Discussion” series, on Sharon Olds’ work as poet, teacher and mentor (publication date TBA).
Immersive essay (forthcoming) in Golfer’s Journal (USA) about playing Connemara Golf Links (designed by my grandfather Eddie Hackett, “the father of Irish golf”) as a novice.
My essay “Missing Philip“ was published in Distant Summers: Remembering Philip Casey in January (Arlen House, edited by Eamonn Wall, Katie Donovan and Mick Considine).
Featured Poet in New Hibernia Review, spring 2024 (11 poems).
I am the featured poet in Lime Square Poets online reading series on 11th January at 7:45 pm.
My poem ‘At the Call Centre‘ was published in Southword, issue 45, winter 2023.
Several poems from Waiting for Saint Brendan and Other Poems and CRASH CENTRE (my next collection) have been chosen to be featured on the Versopolis platform for European poets. (November 2023.)
My poem ‘Digital Oisín‘ was published in Howl New Irish Writing: 2023. Howl is a wonderful annual Cork-based journal.
Panelist in Poetry as Commemoration’s symposium on the creative use of archive. My contribution dealt with teaching archival material as ekphrastic and persona poetry.
Older News
“I carried your oxygen“ from Waiting for Saint Brendan was set to music by Dr. Steve Danielson in 2021, and added on YouTube, where he states, “This piece will eventually be part of a choral cycle based on the Elements.“ Click here for the piece. (More about Dr. Danielson here.
“Brucellosis” was one of 108 poems long-listed out of 16,729 in The Poetry Society’s 2021 National Poetry Competition (UK). Here for more info.
A review of Santiago Sketches in Shamrocks & Shells, Camino Society Ireland's online magazine, 30th April, 2018.
A review of Santiago Sketches by Peter Costello in The Irish Catholic newspaper, 1st February, 2018.
Santiago Sketches is reviewed in The Huffington Post by Jakki Kerubo, 4th January 2018.
Santiago Sketches is reviewed (twice) on page 6 of the December 2017 edition of La Concha, the online newsletter of American Pilgrims on the Camino.
In Epiphany, a Literary Journal Santiago Sketches is included in Fall Reading Recommendations by the editorial staff, 21st September, 2017.
My poem 'Evening, Quintana' from Santiago Sketches discussed and contextualised in terms of Galician and Irish literature on the blog, Aslant on Bent Seas.
Billy Collins' blurb on my poem, "Tom Crean Sings Sean-Nós...", finalist in the 2015 Ballymaloe International Poetry Prize, April 2016.
Amy Rebecca Klein reviews Sign Tongue (my translations of Chilean poet, Enrique Winter) in Asymptote, 4th February, 2016.
Waiting for Saint Brendan and Other Poems reviewed in Coldfront by Ken L. Walker, May, 2015.
An interview in Prick of the Spindle, by Stephanie R. Johnson, March, 2014.
Waiting for Saint Brendan reviewed in Prick of the Spindle, by Cynthia Reeser, March, 2014.
A conversation with Kristin Maffei in Not Intent on Arriving, May, 2014.
‘January‘ highly commended in the Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition, 2013.
Waiting for Saint Brendan reviewed in Mead: The Magazine of Literature and Libations, by Suzanne Parker.
Waiting for Saint Brendan reviewed in The Irish Catholic, by Peter Costello.
Coverage of a reading at Franklin Park by Electric Literature, February, 2011.
Press in The Irish Independent about me and The Patrick Kavanagh Awards, 24th December, 2008